Why Aspartame Free Chewing Gum is a Healthier Choice and Pur Gum Review

Freshening the palate with a piece of chewing gum made without artificial sweeteners can be a challenge. Artificial sweeteners especially aspartame have been linked to many health issues. Pur’s chewing gum is sweetened with xylitol, a sugar alcohol that has less calories, produces lower increases in blood sugar than natural sugars (cane etc.), and doesn’t interact with dental plaque to cause cavities. Here’s a review of my favorite aspartame free gum and more about the unhealthy effects of artificial sweeteners

Gluten and Chemical Free OTC Remedy

If you’re like me, maintaining a gluten-free lifestyle can be challenging when searching for over the counter GF remedies and medications. GF and gluten sensitive consumers may feel worse after taking a product to feel better as many syrups, tablets and capsules contain inactive ingredients, fillers, binders, and chemical dyes containing gluten. That’s not all. Many remedies on the market contain harmful ingredients. Genexa Inc., a Los Angeles based B corporation committed to sustainable sourcing and renewable packaging doesn’t use harmful ingredients in their non-GMO, USDA organic gluten-free products. Here’s my review and more.

Best Gluten-Free Snack and Protein Bars

Looking for a healthy and tasty gluten-free snack? Marketplace shelves are lined with rows of protein and snack bars. It can be frustrating, time consuming, and expensive to buy and taste test products that seem more suitable for the trash can than the taste buds. It’s even harder for those who practice a gluten-free lifestyle. Although many companies on the gluten-free bandwagon promote their products as healthy alternatives to wheat based products, they are often low in protein with starchy fillers which compromise taste, texture, and may upset the digestive system. All GF bars are not equal, Here’s a review of my favorites.

Gluten-Free Breads by Three Bakers Reviewed Best

If you’re looking for a versatile GF bread with a pleasant taste and nice texture, consider Three Bakers’ breads. They pass the test. Even those who eat gluten find them satisfying. Here’s a review of my three favorite GF breads and more.

Enteric Peppermint Softgels for Digestive Concerns and Nature’s Way Peppermint Soothe Review

Enteric coated peppermint oil softgels are noted soothers for many digestive concerns. Read on to discover what they can do and how to use them safely including a review of my favorite, Nature’s way Peppermint Soothe.

Gluten-Free Living and the Holidays

Let’s face it, no one wants to feel “left out” during the holiday meal, and dietary restrictions can be inconvenient or draw unwanted attention. Depending on the setting, one might even feel a bit self-conscious. Here are some tips to “have you cake and eat it too” the GF way wherever the holiday may take you.