
Kimberly Iacoponi

My Healing Journey

My journey began decades ago with migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic Lyme, and celiac disease. After extensive testing, specialist appointments, and some medication trials, I experienced the “band aid” effect of becoming a higher functioning chronically ill person. I often felt hopeless, anxious, depressed, disheartened, frustrated, and overwhelmed. The desire for a better, happier, and healthier life was my motivator, I was determined to find a treatment that would match my needs and wellness goals.

I was fortunate to eventually connect with a progressive medical provider who recommended and supported the use of CAM (complementary alternative medicine). This multidisciplinary approach combining both alternative and traditional (screenings, physicals, labs etc.) plus some dietary and lifestyle changes, improved my health and well-being.

Throughout the years, my wellness journey embraced the benefits of Ayurveda, aromatherapy, homeopathy, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, a gluten free lifestyle, a dosha balancing diet, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, Reiki, tai chiqigong, mantras, acupuncture, acupressure, and NAET. Many I continue to this day.

My Blog and Facebook

My blog and Facebook page, Eudaimonic Well-Being Utica NY, were created to share thought provoking information, research articles, product reviews, quotes, affirmations, meditations, and videos.

The health and wellness market is profitable for companies and many use low quality ingredients. to cut costs. Sifting through the unending number of health care products and information trying to identify reputable manufacturers with high standards can be time consuming and frustrating! My goal is to help ease that process.

This blog will promote product ingredient awareness; and include topics such as the negative effects of food dyes, preservatives, and chemical scents; how to maintain a healthy gluten free lifestyle and avoid accidental exposure; MSG (monosodium glutamate) and chemical sweetener health concerns; and how to avoid exposure to synthetic ingredients.

Reviews of my favorite products such as natural nasal sprays, aspartame free chewing gum, healthy/tasty gluten free foods, whole food multivitamins; cough syrups, cold and throat sprays; homeopathic remedies; and topicals for muscle aches and arthritis plus more will be listed.

Your Journey

Whether beginning or continuing a wellness journey, please take the time to discover what treatment compliments your body’s unique healing ability. Whatever method you choose, make adjustments that reasonably fit into your lifestyle, are affordable, safe, and don’t interfere with your current medical treatment, create new conditions, or exacerbate old ones.

Finding that special practitioner (traditional and/or alternative) that resonates with you and asking a lot of questions while researching as much as you can increases your ability to make the decisions that will meet your specific needs and wellness goals.

Life is a journey. May yours be blessed with continued health, peace, and well-being.

Thank you for joining me at Eudaimonic Well-Being.

Kimberly I

The information provided by Eudaimonic Well-Being, and Kimberly I is not approved or intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent disease or illness, or to suggest or recommend a  specific treatment. Any addition to a current treatment regimen should be done with and not in replacement of the medical care and guidance offered by a licensed provider. 

Please, always check with your provider before adding a supplement or herbal as there may be potential interactions or contraindications when coupled with prescribed medications or pre-existing medical conditions. Keeping all providers updated on any changes regardless of their discipline is especially important to avoid potential complications, unsafe treatment combinations, and/or interference with current treatment.

Those with pre-existing chronic conditions, allergies, pregnant, lactating, the young or the very old should take special care and consideration. Check with your medical provider and pharmacist to ensure safe decisions based upon your current individual treatment regimen.

When incorporating a new exercise or movement program, please seek the guidance and approval of your current provider or specialist as needed to avoid the introduction or exacerbation of injuries or conditions. Start slowly, “listen” to your body, and be patient.